Zirconia | Green Dental Laboratory Rockton, IL - Scott Green, CDT


Zirconia HT (High Translucent)

 Zirconia HT is much stronger than porcelain-fused-to-metal (PFM) restorations while maintaining a natural and vibrant translucency. The product is 100% metal-free, a feature that prevents gingival darkening and removes the possibility of exposing metallic margins if gum recession begins. They are naturally esthetic, transmit the color of adjacent teeth, and can be matched to any shade.

Zirconia PlusRaw

Super Translucent High Strength Zirconia
This product has strength of 1,000 MPa
2% more translucent than our current HT being used
Maximum limitations for bridges are
4 unit Anterior and 3 unit Posterior

XHT (Extra High Translucent Zirconia)

XHT has strength of 750 MPa, 2% more translucent than zirconia Plus. Ultimate in natural translucency. This would be an ideal choice for Full Contour Anterior restoration in combination with micro layer or fluorescent enchantments.

Layered Zirconia

Mixing Porcelain and Zirconia
Combination of highest esthetic, strength and flexibility for anterior and posterior cases, no metal and no unsightly black lines at gingival margins, outstanding biocompatibility in the mouth.

Micro Layer

It enhances the natural color and effects of a restoration.

Fluorescent Enhancement

Micro layer of clear fluorescent vacuum fired ceramic that adds to the esthetic ability, like a natural tooth.